Our Services

0723.215.376 // office@besesiasociatii.ro


Top Services

Our law firm offers high quality and professional services covering a wide area of ​​law.

Civil Law

Real estate claims, claims, owner’s actions, actions in eviction, delimitation, successions and shares, exit from indivision, cadastre, tabulation, debt recoveries, sale-purchase contracts, donations, exchange, rental, safe deposit box, pledge…

Criminal Law

Assistance and representation in front of the police or prosecutor’s office (during prosecution or criminal action) as well as in courts at all jurisdictional levels (substance, appeal, appeal), drafting of notifications and criminal complaints..

Family Law

Divorce both by agreement and at fault, division of common assets of the spouses acquired during marriage, adoption, custody of minors, visitation schedule for minors, tagada/establishment of paternity, establishment or modification of alimony…

Labour Law

Preparation of the dismissal procedure, disputes arising from employment relationships: obliging the employer to return the sums of money withheld from the salary, overtime, illegal dismissal…

Commercial Law

Permanent legal assistance to commercial companies, commercial transactions, arbitration, litigation related to breach of contractual obligations, termination of contracts, drawing up of commercial contracts, representation before courts of common law and arbitration…